Sharing Lessons To Teach Your Child Before Starting Child Care


As your child gets ready to go to child care, there are a number of steps that you can take to get him or her prepared. One of the ways that you can make this adjustment easier is by emphasizing the importance of sharing. Sharing is something that the child care staff will be emphasizing to the children in the days and weeks ahead, and by already understanding the importance of sharing with other children, your child will have an easier time in this new environment.

20 January 2017

Managing A Child's Panic Attack When Left Alone At Daycare


Your child seemed excited about the prospect of daycare, but when you dropped them off on their first day, they went into a severe panic attack. This actually happens to children more than you'd think and managing it requires a careful understanding of what causes it. What Caused The Panic Attack? If your child starts screaming and panicking the moment you leave them at daycare, there's a good chance they suffer from high levels of anxiety.

30 August 2016

How To Choose The Right Daycare For Your Child


When it comes to selecting the right daycare for your child, you need to be observant, do some research, and ask the right questions to be able to make the right choice. It is essential for the growth of your child and for your peace of mind. Start your Search Early No matter what type of care you are considering for your child, you need to start looking well in advance, even if you don't need it right away.

9 August 2016

Asthma And Child Care: Three Questions To Ask Potential Carers


If you have an asthmatic child, you may need to enroll them in child care but are fearful about doing so. On your journey to find the best child care center for your child, asking each center the three questions below should provide considerable help.  1. Can My Child Carry Their Inhaler With Them?  Some child care centers may have a blanket policy requiring that all medications be left in a locked, centralized location.

14 September 2015